Stoke Story VIII
Name: Matt Freemyer
One Word Focus: Mountain
Reckoning with monotony and a lack of inspiration is what the Stoke process provided for me. It paved the way allowing for inspiration, excitement, and more, to come back. I discovered a desire for more out of life, while recognizing the beauty that already exists. It helped me be more okay with holding things in the same hand that are "contradictions", and recognizing the ability to accept and find a path that encompasses both. I am still on the journey of figuring out what is next, but I now feel I have the space and tools to do so. I've felt a deeper sense of reconnecting with the things that energize me. I also experienced an internal push to seek greater heights and wider experiences and not settle with the mundane day to day. With this said, it feels I am being true to myself instead of watering myself down for others.