Stoke Story V
Name: Erin Puckett
Essence: Gift
“I was about to embark on a huge transition. I participated in the Stoke Retreat with the hope of gaining insight into what I might need to flourish during this next chapter (that involved moving my family of 5 to another state!) The Stoke process and community provided a safe place to slow down and reflect, aided by helpful insights from others. Our time together allowed me to look back on my past, remember my personal values and begin constructing a plan for my future.As I reflect on the weekend, I realized that I didn’t really need help with my huge life transition. What I needed was to be reminded of all the things that were true about myself regardless of where I lived, what job I had or who was around me. I left feeling like I could transition with full confidence because I took time to remember what was true and let go of the rest.”